电话:0086-0755-29170400 0086-0755-27385160 传真:0086-0755-27313180 手机:135 3090 6269 E-mail:cncmchao@sina.com 邮编:518105 公司网站: http://www.renshanchina.com http://www.renshanclean.com http://www.emrgm.com 公司地址:深圳市松岗街道塘下涌第 二工业大道144号A栋7F西
The fitting special-purpose scratches the wiping rags big reel dustlessness cloth product performance and the application This section great size reel cloth uses the superfine high density textile fiber fabric ultrasonic wave edge sealing, dustlessness, does not fall the flue, the reel design (reel core diameter 51CM) has strongly anti-pulls the nature, bears the friction.
The fitting special-purpose scratches the wiping rags the suitable domain: Semiconductor assembly, aviation manufacture and service, laboratory, electronic profession, computer assembly, optical instrument manufacture, LCD liquid crystal display, precision instrument, optics product, aviation industry, and line board production line and so on; Is suitable especially for the non-semiconductor industry, the electronics industry production 10 levels of - 10000 levels purifies the workshop.Uses in cleaning the conductor production line chip, the microprocessor assembly production line and so on; LCD liquid crystal display class product and line board production line and so on; Precision instrument, optics product, aviation industry and so on.
固话:0086-0755-29170400 传真:0086-0755-27313180 手机:135 3090 6269 E-mail:cncmchao@sina.com
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