电话:0086-0755-29170400 0086-0755-27385160 传真:0086-0755-27313180 手机:135 3090 6269 E-mail:cncmchao@sina.com 邮编:518105 公司网站: http://www.renshanchina.com http://www.renshanclean.com http://www.emrgm.com 公司地址:深圳市松岗街道塘下涌第 二工业大道144号A栋7F西
防静电托盘(Anti static tray)主要用途:
Anti static tray(防静电托盘)
Anti static tray main purpose: This tray is used to eliminate static electricity, most of which are used in the electronic device and the electronic product manufacturing process of the turnover loading, packaging, storage and transportation. Applicable scope: Our tray range application range is extremely wide, throughout the LCM, LCD, such as the electronics industry, with the anti electrostatic mat, anti-static, anti slip effect is extremely remarkable is electronic industry essential good quality products.
固话:0086-0755-29170400 传真:0086-0755-27313180 手机:135 3090 6269 E-mail:cncmchao@sina.com
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